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The Shipping Forecast

We all love the shipping forecast. I did so much research for this picture and consequently had a mountain of information to include. It began to keep me awake at night, wondering how to fit the complicated jigsaw puzzle together with too many pieces. I had some lovely stamps featuring lighthouses and I fell in love with the story of the Eddystone Lighthouse. Then there were the strange shapes of the Faeroe Islands, the history of German Bight and the voyage of HMS Beagle with Fitzroy, Beaufort and Darwin on board. All these really interesting bits of information are now filed in my head. In the end I just wanted to show that even if there is a gale blowing out on the sea we are on dry land, terra firma, safe at home. While the mass of sea swirls around our islands, we can still be lulled to sleep by the general synopsis at midnight!

The Shipping Forecast a print copyright Fiona Willis


The Shipping Forecast a print copyright Fiona Willis